Monday 17 November 2008

Postmodernist theory

  • Postmodernists feel that the media creates gender roles rather than reflects them.
  • Through consumption we now construct our identities

Postmodernism is a relatively new way of viewing society but is widely accepted within the media. Enchanted can be considered very much postmodern as it pokes fun at the genre of film and could also be mocking gender stereotypes rather than encouraging them. Possibly the Binary opposition between modern trouser wearing Nancy and traditional dress wearing Giselle could be further ridiculing the concept of gender roles in postmodern society.

Disney often depicts a simplistic view of life and ignores the complexity of life such as money. Money struggles are not addressed once in Enchanted (2007) instead characters purchase objects without considering the cost. Thus relating to the idea of consumerism, it teaches children that to be successful or to get the Prince or Princess you must be wealthy. In addition to this children are taught that to gain status they must be better than their counterparts which creates competition. Corresponding the idea of keeping up with the Jones, from a young age we are aware that material wealth equals high status.

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